current status:
Age: Uknown
Gender: Male
Social Status: single
Number Of Songs: 20 as Of: December 23
Favorite Song: 1234 GO! -Mj
Author Of Favortie Song: Metaljonus
Least Favorite Song: Numa Numa Remix
Author Of Least Favorite Song: Uknown
Favorite Of My Songs: Useful Boss Loop
Best Author Of Music: ParagonX9 (I Agree with DJ-Bert)
Nicest Reviewer: DJ-Bert
Best Reviewer: DJ-Bert
Most Creative Animator:TheBoogley (I Agree With DJ-Bert)
Best Animator: Ecorapter
Stupidest Son Of A Bitch: Fleek (I Agree With DJ-Bert)
Worst reviewer: DJ-Felix (Your just an ass)
Lesson Not Learned By Stupid Americans (Offense)
Don't bag on soviet Union (or Russia) or else they'll:
- Send An Envelope Containing Anthrax
- Inject You With Experimental Virus While You Sleep
- Nuke You
- Father Of All Bomb You
- H-Bomb You
- Kill Your Family, Put You In A Cell And, Give You Bubonic Plauge (So You Will Suffer A Slow (And Pianful) Death
- Give You Head And Foot Disease (All Russian Have A Vial Of It)
(I Agree with DJ-Bert)
____________ V
Russia... el... no effence but isn't the Russian leader threatening someone or something? I know Russia's doing something nowty.